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For the integration step, on our open platform, , there are API documents that explained how can you integrate with our system. What you need to do is follow the steps:
  1. Review the documents, if there is any problem, I will answer you.
  2. Test APIs in your own way, for example, POSTMAN. I will also assist with the testing and process.
Test URLs are included in each document.
Test API account: 292508153084379141
Test private key: a0a1047cce70493c9d5d29704f05d0d9
Test customer account & password: J0086024173 ----- Aa123456
Above is the information you need to test the APIs. In the help center,
there are guidelines and tools for you to generate digest in the header and body. In case you have problems with the parameters. Attached is a sample POST request.
  1. After all the APIs are tested, you can start to implement them in your own system.
  2. After implementation on your system is done, we can start to move into production. In open platform --->
Console, there are two certifications you need to do. Just fill in the information and let me know,
I will approve the application for you. Then, in your personal center,
you can find your API account and private key for production.
  1. Sandbox test, in Console, you will have to pass all the sandbox tests for the APIs you are going to use.
  2. Apply for APIs in production, In Console ---> Interface Mgt.
You will have to apply for using those APIs you passed in Sandbox. I will also approve it for you.
For production customer account, is the VIP account, which the Sales team can provide to you.
Created by Brijesh Patel